Recently I had a conversation with a woman who has done extensive research on virtue. It is a part of her studies in positive psychology, and she shared a summary of a study on gratitude. In sum, if a person intentionally focuses on cultivating gratitude, they will experience a positive mindset.  

This was obvious to me because I have witnessed the culture of schools changing as they live out virtue education. It is more than a curriculum; it is a way of life. I found the data interesting and wished I could conduct my own study.  

You may wonder what this has to do with the subject line, “Little Frog on the Window.” Well, first of all, I was hoping you would open the email 😊. Secondly, I wanted to share my “test” of the gratitude study when I was having a terrible day.  

It was a rainy, blah day, and my mood seemed to match; that was until I passed a large glass window and noticed a tiny frog plastered on the surface. It was so cute, and I was able to get a close look at all the details of his little body. It wasn’t one with many warts, but one that was a smooth greenish-brown. I stood there amazed and smiled. My mind and heart quickly lifted, thanking God for the marvels of His creation and how He too must smile at it all.    

In those few moments, the presence of the tiny frog changed my mood, and I found myself thanking God for the rainy, blah day. It was the weather that led the little guy to the window at the time I walked by. This little story shows that a virtuous mindset is a way of life. I hope that you too see “a tiny little frog” the next day you feel blah. 

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