
Last week, I saw the traces of God’s creation in a full and magnificent harvest moon, and from an airplane, the incredible configuration of the clouds. Indeed, we can say, “Praise Him in the sun and moon” (Ps. 148:3).  

St. Paul reminds us that “he [God] is not far from each one of us” (Acts 17:27). Written upon every human heart is a desire for God. Venerable Fulton Sheen describes it beautifully in his book Finding True Happiness: 

“Look at your heart! It tells the story of why you were made. It is not perfect  
in shape and contour, like a Valentine heart. There seems to be a small piece  
missing out of the side of every human heart. That may be to symbolize a piece  
that was torn out of the Heart of Christ which embraced all humanity on the  
Cross. But I think the real meaning is that when God made your human heart,  
He found it so good and so lovable that He kept a small sample of it in heaven.  
He sent the rest of it into this world to enjoy His gifts, and to use them as  
stepping stones back to Him, but to be ever mindful that you can never love  
anything in this world with your whole heart because you have not a whole  
heart with which to love. In order to love anyone with your whole heart, in  
order to be really peaceful, in order to be really wholehearted, you must go  
back again to God to recover the piece He has been keeping for you from  
all eternity.”  

Spend some time this week reflecting upon your desire for God. How would your heart reunite with the “piece” God has kept for you?    

Spot the Virtue 

This week, we will focus on the virtue of Obedience, which means assenting to rightful authority without hesitation or resistance. Yes, it is wonderful when someone responds to a direction quickly, reflecting their interior disposition. However, when trying to ‘spot the virtue’ in someone, I encourage you specially to look for someone willing to hear or listen to what is being said. This would mean putting down a cell phone or stopping what they are doing and looking at you.     

Look for this virtue in others and prudently think about how you communicate this to them in a manner in which they will receive it positively. Remember to:  

1.    Name the virtue    

2.    Explain how you recognized it    

3.    Express gratitude and appreciation for who they are    

This intentional way of communicating observation is essential for building relationships by offering meaningful feedback instead of short praise.  It may sound like the following example:    

    • Name: Mary, I noticed you responded quickly when I called your name.   
    • Explain: Your willingness to obey is a witness to your classmates and shows 
      the importance of following directions the first time.  
    • Express: I am grateful for you and how you responded by looking at me,  
      your teacher (or mother).   

During the next week, try to be attentive to this virtue present in another person. Spot this virtue in at least one person this week.


Heavenly Father, You are near to me and created me to love and enjoy the fullness of life. Yet only in You do I find true peace and happiness. Reveal to me the areas of my heart where I do not fully desire You so I may one day be united with You in my heavenly homeland.   


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