The Role of Virtues in Managing Emotions 

As Christmas draws near, you may have noticed that the virtues selected enable us to regulate and manage our emotions. These are the cardinal virtues of temperance and fortitude, which are related virtues that aid us in cultivating them.   

The Impact of Anger and Capital Sins 

This week, we are emphasizing meekness, which is serenity of spirit, while focusing on the needs of others. We emphasize “serenity of spirit” or an inner sense of peace and calm. When anger begins to well up within us, it causes us to become dysregulated and unable to think rationally about others or the situation. In fact, all capital sins have this effect on us. They keep us in a state of unrest and dysregulation, preventing us from relating with others and using our own reason.  

Meekness and Temperance: Keys to Emotional Balance 

Meekness is related to temperance, which enables us to moderate and balance our emotions, or to live in a state of homeostasis where our brain and nervous system are also calm and balanced. Of course, there are strategies we can do to reset and regulate our brain and nervous system. However, we should keep in sight how our actions and reactions can also manifest a vice or bad habit, which we should recognize and strive to overcome by cultivating virtue. A good confession is also a means to set ourselves on the right course.  

Practical Strategies for Regulating Anger 

So, how does meekness aid us in regulating our anger? We can intentionally count to 10, walk away, or give ourselves space to avoid situations that cause us to react and become angry. And, of course, prayer is always a means to aid in cultivating virtue. God desires to give us His life and grace to love as He intended us to live.  

I want to bring to your attention two excellent video series by Fr. Nick Monco O.P. on Openlight Media Plus, Vice to Virtue and God’s Infinite Mercy.

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