Defining Industriousness: From Start to Finish
When I was studying the virtues related to fortitude and deciding what to include, industriousness was at the top of my list. In an age of instant communication and ease of acquiring information through Google and now AI, cultivating this virtue in ourselves and in young people is imperative.
The Rewards of Diligence: A Personal Fulfillment
Industriousness or diligence is completing a task or responsibility from start to finish. It means attentiveness to details and to all that should be done to accomplish the task. We can all testify to the internal reward of knowing we’ve completed something that was challenging. Even more so, what is fulfilling is completing a project from concept to final product.
Cultivating Industriousness in the Classroom and Beyond
Jesus taught us faithfulness to little things leads to greater responsibility for larger projects. Acquiring this virtue starts in the classroom: chores for your students and completing assignments. At the start of this calendar year, seek to find ways to cultivate this in your personal life and in the lives of your students.
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