“Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Your love.”  

Guided by Grace 

“Enkindle in them the fire of Your love.” During my recent travels, the GPS map was not updated, and I was directed to the wrong location for Mass. I quickly searched for another option and drove to the closest location. At first, it seemed like Mass was not being offered, but then I was directed to a white door. I entered, and a small but mighty group of parishioners were devoutly praying the rosary and a few additional prayers. In their midst, I felt myself being lifted up after a couple of hectic days.   

“I Have Come to Set the Earth on Fire” 

This same renewal continued as Father preached about the Gospel. He drew reflections from Jesus’ words to His disciples: “I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing” (Luke 12:49). He reminded us that the Holy Spirit is “fire” and that each of us is called to kindle this fire within us. As he spoke, I could sense the spiritual energy and prayer of this small group who faithfully gathered for daily Mass. How often do we pray to the Holy Spirit, asking Him to enkindle our heart with fire but then quickly put it out with distractions or complacency of routine? Yes, I am raising both hands and saying “guilty”!  

A Call to Prayerful Renewal 

Clearly, God wanted me to attend this Mass to hear this message and to experience the prayerfulness of this small group. This is the beauty of the universal Catholic Church, that we can go anywhere in the world and experience the same liturgy. Through His Spirit, our hearts can be set on fire by the example of those who join us in prayer and zeal. I encourage you to strive to pray more fervently to the Holy Spirit so that He may enkindle in your heart the fire of His love. This is what we need today – a fire blazing! 

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