The Raised in Grace®: program connects childhood development and modern neuroscience with our Catholic faith and Christian understanding of the human person.
Study Guide Bundle
The Raised in Grace® Study Guide Bundle is a comprehensive study of the extensive and informative content in Disciple of Christ, Education in Virtue and Raised in Grace®: Made for Wholeness. It is intended to educate and inspire those entrusted with guiding children and youth through development to wire for secure attachment.
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Integrating neuroscience and faith, this video series presents a roadmap to aid adults whose task it is to nurture children through their developmental years. Raised in Grace® sheds light on human development from womb to age 25, and offers an integrated, faith-filled approach to growth and the beauty of gradualness.
Raised in Grace®: Made for Wholeness – The Beauty of Gradualness aims to give parents, educators, and caregivers what they need to provide the firm foundation to raise children in virtue and in holiness.
Elementary (Grades 3-5)

Secure in Grace is a supplemental curriculum for 3rd-5th grade students that teaches virtue in alignment with neuroscience. For each virtue, Secure in Grace teaches students a concept from neuroscience, a social-emotional learning strategy, and a saint who used that virtue to manage a particular emotion. Encompassing video, audio, teacher lessons, and student worksheets, Secure in Grace is a simple and fun way to teach students both virtue and brain health.
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Sample Lesson Segment
Sample Lesson PlanSample Strategy Segment
Sample Lesson WorksheetSample Audio Segment
Middle & High School

Arise – Made for Wholeness is an engaging video series and resources to draw adolescents into a healthy understanding of God’s infinite love, providing a firm faith foundation and strategies for growing up.
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