Author Archives: Sr. John Dominic, O.P.
Catechesis Self-control Virtue
Lenten Dopamine Fast
Catechesis Trustworthiness Virtue
Everybody wants to be trustworthy!
I don’t know anyone who would dislike being considered trustworthy. We all aspire to be reliable,... See More
Sincerity Virtue
Starting the New Year with Strengths
You may have noticed the Virtue Strength Survey on the Openlight Media website. If not,... See More
Catechesis Respect
Living a Respect-for-Life Attitude
Magnanimity Magnificence Virtue
Magnificence and Magnanimity (and Merry Christmas!)
Catechesis Prayerfulness Virtue
Preparing for Advent, and Praying as He Taught Us
Catechesis Magnanimity Virtue
St. Albert the Magnanimous
Catechesis Patriotism Virtue
Patriotism: A Personal Reflection
Catechesis Industriousness Virtue