This page is the access point to teaching resources for the Virtue Strengths Survey.
These resources include lessons plans, videos and handouts for up to four 45-minute instructional class periods that will help students get the most out of the survey and build a culture of virtue in your classroom.
Below, you can find information about using the survey with your students, sample questions and end reports, and feedback from past participants.
What is the Virtue Strengths Survey?
A validated tool for students in grades 8-12 from Disciple of Christ | Education in Virtue®.
Students take an online survey on how they practice the virtues. After taking the survey, each participating student receives a report listing their virtue strengths, starting with the greatest.
How long does the survey take?
Generally, students can take the survey in 30-45 minutes.
What students are saying
Formatting for the upcoming round of testing may look slightly different. We hope to have the survey up for you to take before the launch date.

See a sample results page here: Again, formatting may look different for the results page in the fall.

Empower your students to navigate “the world of the virtues” with this engaging and creative field guide!
• Prayers, Scripture, and Saint
• Full list of practical examples,
• Discussion questions,
• And more!