Daily Virtue Announcements



Your whole school will love these daily announcements!  Designed to cover one virtue each week, these brief daily virtue snippets will inspire staff and students alike with creative ways to practice virtue as Disciples of Christ.

  • digital download
  • one announcement per day, five announcements per virtue
  • can be adjusted to fit your school’s virtue of the week schedule
  • or follow the schedule from Disciple of Christ | Education in Virtue’s planner and social media

Download our virtue of the week schedule and follow along with us!

Sample: Announcements for the Virtue of Courtesy


This week our virtue of the week is courtesy. Courtesy is treating others with respect and recognizing that we are all created in God’s image and likeness. Courtesy looks like greeting your teachers and friends and asking how their weekend was. It sounds like, “It’s good to see you again. I hope you had a nice weekend!” 

Dear Jesus, thank you for the blessings of this past weekend, but also for the chance to come back to school and be with my teachers and friend. Help me to start this week with You in my mind and heart. Please grant me the grace to be courteous today and to behave the way You would want me to. Amen.


Courtesy is the virtue by which we recognize the value others have as sons and daughters of God. When I see my teachers and classmates, do I ever think about how much God loves them? Do I realize that Jesus died for them, just as He died for me? Do I thank God for putting them in my life, or do I forget what a blessing my friends and teachers are?

Dear Jesus, help me today to see Your image in those I meet. Rekindle my sense of wonder, Lord, so that I can see how incredible Your love is, even for each individual person. Fill my heart with Your Holy Spirit so that I can see others the way You see them. Amen.


When we practice the virtue of courtesy, we act based on our knowledge that everyone is made in God’s image. Courtesy looks like letting others go first and giving them space. Do I shove my way to the front of the line, or push others so I can be the very last person? Do I let others get a drink before me? Do I wait my turn, or do I always want to be the first to get an item the teacher is passing out? 

Dear Jesus, help me today to treat my classmates with the courtesy they deserve. Help me to act out of the knowledge that they are Your sons and daughters. Please grant me a deep respect for others, realizing that they were made to glorify You with their lives, just as You made me. Amen. 


This week we are practicing the virtue of courtesy. Courtesy is a virtue that we can also practice in our words. By using a simple “please”, “thank you”, or “you’re welcome”, we are showing the other person that they have dignity and that we respect them. Courtesy sounds like using all of the manners we have been taught over the years. Do I take others’ hard work and favors for granted, or do I remember to show my appreciation with words? Do I acknowledge others when they speak to me?

Dear Jesus, I often forget to use the words that I’ve been taught. I know that showing manners is pleasing to You because it’s a way to respect my neighbor. Help me today to be the best version of myself and to remember to show courtesy to others in my words and actions. Amen.   


This week, we have been working on the virtue of courtesy. Sometimes, courtesy sounds like not saying anything. When we let someone finish what they’re saying without interrupting them, we are giving them the message that we think their ideas have value. Listening well is a way we show courtesy and respect to others. Do I wait until the other person is done speaking to add a thought? Do I listen attentively, or do I just start thinking of what I want to say next? Do I talk to others while my teacher is speaking?

Dear Jesus, learning to be attentive to the person who is talking is difficult. Help me to get a little better every day so that I can show others the respect they deserve as children of God. While You were on earth, You had to listen to many people every day and You always showed them courtesy and patience. Grant me the grace to imitate You! Amen.


Whole School

Sample: Announcements for the Virtue of Courtesy


This week our virtue of the week is courtesy. Courtesy is treating others with respect and recognizing that we are all created in God’s image and likeness. Courtesy looks like greeting your teachers and friends and asking how their weekend was. It sounds like, “It’s good to see you again. I hope you had a nice weekend!” 

Dear Jesus, thank you for the blessings of this past weekend, but also for the chance to come back to school and be with my teachers and friend. Help me to start this week with You in my mind and heart. Please grant me the grace to be courteous today and to behave the way You would want me to. Amen.


Courtesy is the virtue by which we recognize the value others have as sons and daughters of God. When I see my teachers and classmates, do I ever think about how much God loves them? Do I realize that Jesus died for them, just as He died for me? Do I thank God for putting them in my life, or do I forget what a blessing my friends and teachers are?

Dear Jesus, help me today to see Your image in those I meet. Rekindle my sense of wonder, Lord, so that I can see how incredible Your love is, even for each individual person. Fill my heart with Your Holy Spirit so that I can see others the way You see them. Amen.


When we practice the virtue of courtesy, we act based on our knowledge that everyone is made in God’s image. Courtesy looks like letting others go first and giving them space. Do I shove my way to the front of the line, or push others so I can be the very last person? Do I let others get a drink before me? Do I wait my turn, or do I always want to be the first to get an item the teacher is passing out? 

Dear Jesus, help me today to treat my classmates with the courtesy they deserve. Help me to act out of the knowledge that they are Your sons and daughters. Please grant me a deep respect for others, realizing that they were made to glorify You with their lives, just as You made me. Amen. 


This week we are practicing the virtue of courtesy. Courtesy is a virtue that we can also practice in our words. By using a simple “please”, “thank you”, or “you’re welcome”, we are showing the other person that they have dignity and that we respect them. Courtesy sounds like using all of the manners we have been taught over the years. Do I take others’ hard work and favors for granted, or do I remember to show my appreciation with words? Do I acknowledge others when they speak to me?

Dear Jesus, I often forget to use the words that I’ve been taught. I know that showing manners is pleasing to You because it’s a way to respect my neighbor. Help me today to be the best version of myself and to remember to show courtesy to others in my words and actions. Amen.   


This week, we have been working on the virtue of courtesy. Sometimes, courtesy sounds like not saying anything. When we let someone finish what they’re saying without interrupting them, we are giving them the message that we think their ideas have value. Listening well is a way we show courtesy and respect to others. Do I wait until the other person is done speaking to add a thought? Do I listen attentively, or do I just start thinking of what I want to say next? Do I talk to others while my teacher is speaking?

Dear Jesus, learning to be attentive to the person who is talking is difficult. Help me to get a little better every day so that I can show others the respect they deserve as children of God. While You were on earth, You had to listen to many people every day and You always showed them courtesy and patience. Grant me the grace to imitate You! Amen.


Whole School

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