Raised in Grace®: Made for Wholeness – The Beauty of Gradualness (Revised Edition)



Raised in Grace®: Made for Wholeness – The Beauty of Gradualness aims to give parents, educators, and caregivers what they need to provide the firm foundation to raise children in virtue and holiness. In this study, we have drawn upon our Catholic Christian faith’s perennial philosophical wisdom and roots to show how this synthesis corresponds fruitfully with the important research from the Decade of the Brain (1990-2000). Through the lens of our Catholic faith, these insights from neuroscience can be applied to help us understand what the young mind needs to develop rightly and flourish fully. For neuroscience helps us see the beauty of gradualness in human development and to recognize how God’s grace received at Baptism sustains us as we journey through life. We refer to this as the ‘river of grace’—the sacred place of integration and wholeness toward secure attachment.

Authors: Dr. Karen Villa, Sr. John Dominic, O.P.  See further description of authors below. 

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Raised in Grace®: Made for Wholeness – The Beauty of Gradualness aims to give parents, educators, and caregivers what they need to provide the firm foundation to raise children in virtue and holiness. In this study, we have drawn upon our Catholic Christian faith’s perennial philosophical wisdom and roots to show how this synthesis corresponds fruitfully with the important research from the Decade of the Brain (1990-2000). Through the lens of our Catholic faith, these insights from neuroscience can be applied to help us understand what the young mind needs to develop rightly and flourish fully. For neuroscience helps us see the beauty of gradualness in human development and to recognize how God’s grace received at Baptism sustains us as we journey through life. We refer to this as the ‘river of grace’—the sacred place of integration and wholeness toward secure attachment.

About the Authors

Sr. John Dominic Rasmussen, O.P. is a Dominican Sister of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist in Ann Arbor, Michigan and has been in religious life for forty years. She received her degree in education at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee and a Masters of Theology from Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio. She has over thirty five years of experience in Catholic education as both a teacher and administrator. From her experience, she has developed Disciple of Christ, Education in Virtue and currently serves as the Executive Director of Openlight Media which published print and digital content.
Sister serves on the Diocese of Lansing Finance Council and is on the Board of Trustees for Ave Maria University.
She enjoys running, bike riding, Scrabble, and a good laugh. And of course, treasures time for personal and community prayer.

Dr. Karen Villa is a clinical neuro-psychologist in private practice near Ann Arbor, Michigan receiving her Ph.D. in 1997 during the Decade of the Brain. She subsequently completed post-doctoral fellowships with Michigan State Medical School and the University of Michigan Medical School in neuropsychology and rehabilitation, medical psychology, interpersonal neurobiology and neuropsychoanalysis. She has worked from a neurodevelopmental stand point since opening her private practice over twenty years ago and serves children and families struggling with developmental, learning, behavioral, and emotional issues. 

She lives with her husband of 30 years. They enjoy traveling, hiking, reading, and relaxing along Lake Michigan. They gratefully raised their children in Catholic education, who are now proudly, serving in the United States Navy.

Weight0.75 lbs
Dimensions8.5 × 11 in

Raised in Grace®: Made for Wholeness – The Beauty of Gradualness aims to give parents, educators, and caregivers what they need to provide the firm foundation to raise children in virtue and holiness. In this study, we have drawn upon our Catholic Christian faith’s perennial philosophical wisdom and roots to show how this synthesis corresponds fruitfully with the important research from the Decade of the Brain (1990-2000). Through the lens of our Catholic faith, these insights from neuroscience can be applied to help us understand what the young mind needs to develop rightly and flourish fully. For neuroscience helps us see the beauty of gradualness in human development and to recognize how God’s grace received at Baptism sustains us as we journey through life. We refer to this as the ‘river of grace’—the sacred place of integration and wholeness toward secure attachment.

About the Authors

Sr. John Dominic Rasmussen, O.P. is a Dominican Sister of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist in Ann Arbor, Michigan and has been in religious life for forty years. She received her degree in education at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee and a Masters of Theology from Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio. She has over thirty five years of experience in Catholic education as both a teacher and administrator. From her experience, she has developed Disciple of Christ, Education in Virtue and currently serves as the Executive Director of Openlight Media which published print and digital content.
Sister serves on the Diocese of Lansing Finance Council and is on the Board of Trustees for Ave Maria University.
She enjoys running, bike riding, Scrabble, and a good laugh. And of course, treasures time for personal and community prayer.

Dr. Karen Villa is a clinical neuro-psychologist in private practice near Ann Arbor, Michigan receiving her Ph.D. in 1997 during the Decade of the Brain. She subsequently completed post-doctoral fellowships with Michigan State Medical School and the University of Michigan Medical School in neuropsychology and rehabilitation, medical psychology, interpersonal neurobiology and neuropsychoanalysis. She has worked from a neurodevelopmental stand point since opening her private practice over twenty years ago and serves children and families struggling with developmental, learning, behavioral, and emotional issues. 

She lives with her husband of 30 years. They enjoy traveling, hiking, reading, and relaxing along Lake Michigan. They gratefully raised their children in Catholic education, who are now proudly, serving in the United States Navy.

Weight0.75 lbs
Dimensions8.5 × 11 in

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