The Disciple of Christ Virtues Chart is designed to guide educators, parents and students in identifying virtues which need to be cultivated. This chart features a list of the virtues, listed under their respective color-coded Cardinal virtue, and includes three categories with definitions/explanations in each: Meaning, Opposing Trait, Ways to Cultivate.
Remain in Me Chart is an easy-to-use reference chart that gives educators and students an overview of all the Virtues and Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Turn the chart around to show the students the Virtue Tree and how the virtues are interrelated!
The Happiness is Living a Virtuous Life pamphlet is designed to help you, the instructor, and your older students on your own personal paths of Discipleship in Christ. Examine your conscience with the use of this virtue-based examen and identify the virtues you would like to cultivate. Complete with virtues and their opposing vices, concrete questions are given to help you on the path of conversion the first step to living a virtuous life.