This award winning short documentary on cloistered nuns explain their charism and why they’ve chosen this way of life in the modern age.
Featuring Nuns from the Monastery of the Blessed Sacrament in Farmington Hills Michigan.

To learn more about the Nuns from the Monastery of the Blessed Sacrament visit:
To find more cloistered monasteries visit:
Learn more about the Dominican order visit:
Few places on earth are more fascinating to outsiders than enclosed monasteries. What this delightful video affords us is privileged access not only to the hidden cloister – the chapel, the silent corridors, the work places of the nuns – but access also to something of the interior lives of the nuns – a privileged glimpse of their spirit of love and sacrifice, their down-to-earth humour, their regard for one another, their passion for God. How radiant in spirit and yet how wonderfully human are these Dominican nuns of the Blessed Sacrament Monastery! Only God knows how much we owe them!
The Habit of Prayer is a beautiful introduction to religious life and particularly to Dominican cloistered life. By unpacking the Dominicans charism and the importance of the cloister in the life of the church, this documentary is helpful both for the lay faithful in general and those discerning a vocation to contemplative life. From the honesty and humor of the sisters to the clear explanations of different aspects of religious life, The Habit of Prayer helps to reveal how the spirit of St. Dominic is alive and flourishing in our day.
Openlight Media has made The Habit of Prayer a beautiful window into the cloistered life of Dominican Nuns. It magnificently captures both the practical implementation of their vocation and the spirit of pure joy that resides in their hearts. This documentary is sure to inspire, surprise, and edify all who watch it.
Although subjectively we won’t know what it feels like to live the life and experience the silence of the cloister until we are there, we really do get a beautiful window into the hearts and daily lives of nuns through this video, as well as learn the theological and historical groundings for this life. I also love the beauty of comparing the active Dominican life with the contemplative and the sisterhood therein. I would highly encourage any women in discernment of the consecrated life to watch such video.
An accurate depiction of life behind the walls of this monastery! As a previous postulant with this community, these women are differing women with a common goal: craving and carving out time to be with the Lord to save souls, with a devotion to perpetual adoration in particular (for about 115 years!) They are down to earth and holy women that the Lord brought together to make a powerful impact!