Temperance and St. Dominic Savio
We conclude our weekly virtues with the cardinal virtue of temperance on the glorious feast day of St. Dominic Savio. He was a student of St. John Bosco and a model of virtue to his friends.
St. John Bosco left us a treasure in the short book he wrote about St. Dominic. We can see into the soul of this innocent and childlike saint through the eyes of his teacher. Dominic had a deep desire to be a saint, and intentionally lived as a young disciple. At one point, he started to practice extreme forms of penance and lost his spirit of joy. John Bosco recognized this disposition and counseled him to moderate his desire for penance and join the other boys on the playground. His joy and positive influence were radiant, and the other boys needed to witness his virtues.
While he lived over a century ago, Dominic is an example of a healthy, joyful adolescent. He had a hunger and thirst for holiness and lived in a family and school environment where this was nurtured.
He died at the young age of fourteen. St. Dominic Savio, pray for us.
BONUS: Free Access to Arise Lesson 1-3
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Unlike other SEL programs, Arise is rooted in Catholic faith and anthropology. With many confusing influences bombarding our young people today, we are committed to providing sound and wholesome resources that foster both spiritual and mental health and set young people on the sure path to heaven through Jesus Christ.
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