Good versus Best
Knowing what to expect from our environment helps build our confidence in the world around us. Knowing what is expected of us helps build our confidence in ourselves, especially when we feel able to fulfill those expectations.
A good student planner can be a vital tool to help students stay on track. A good student planner can help teachers craft right-sized expectations for their students and articulate them clearly. A good student planner can help parents calmly and confidently stay alongside their children as they meet their assignments and deadlines.
A BEST student planner can do all this while reminding students that our loving God desires to grow them in virtue and in charitable works!
Our Education in Virtue 2024-2025 Catholic Student Planners are the best student planners.
What’s Virtue Got To Do With It?
Think of the virtues involved in meeting right-sized expectations: the virtue of foresight helps us to look and think ahead. The virtues of industriousness, perseverance, and orderliness help us to do the work we are expected to do.
And what about the virtues necessary to craft challenging, but realistic, expectations? The virtues of moderation and trustworthiness help teachers to craft workable expectations for their students. When tasks and expectations are right-sized, students trust the people in charge, and they can better succeed.
The Elementary Planner
The Elementary Student Planner is perfect for students in grades 3-5. Practical and attractive, this academic planner will help students stay productive and keep Christian virtues front and center each week. This is the ONLY Catholic student planner that helps students incorporate the Education in Virtue program into everyday life.
Be sure to also check out the Assignment Wall Chart! This reusable assignment chart perfectly matches our elementary student planner, making it easy for every student to copy down the necessary information for the day.
The Secondary Planners
Our Classic Secondary Planner is a compact and attractive planner that’s perfect for students in grades 6-12 and for adults. The August–July “classic” layout features engaging weekly spreads that have lined space to track assignments and appointments.
Our Secondary Academic Planner is a compact and engaging planner for students in grades 6-12. This planner format includes grids per academic subject. This August-July “academic” layout features a clean and attractive weekly grid with labeled spaces for each academic subject and day.
The theme for both the Classic Secondary Planner and Secondary Academic Planner is “Quest,” which invites students to follow the light of Christ on their path to heaven.
Crafted By Teachers
All of this year’s planner options will help focus students on expressing the love of God through the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy.
Who knew a student planner could help students grow in foresight, industriousness, perseverance, and orderliness, while at the same time helping adults to grow in moderation and trustworthiness, all while becoming more committed to charitable works?
The Dominican Sisters knew.
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