Unity in Action 

Each year, our reflection on the virtue of respect coincides with the March for Life and other pro-life gatherings taking place across the United States. While the media rarely covers the events, those who attend leave inspired by the overwhelming presence of young people. It is always a peaceful and respectful gathering as they come together for a common cause—respect for the dignity of the person—and to be a voice for the silent, unborn child.  

Beyond the Headlines 

Sadly, what often gets lost in the media coverage of life issues is the compassion and support provided by organizations and religious communities, particularly the Sisters of Life, who accompany women throughout pregnancy and beyond. Those who come to the various rallies are able to hear testimonies from those who have been given the chance to protect the silent voice of the unborn child.  

Practicing Respect in Everyday Moments 

While this week provides an opportunity for people to gather in unity, the real test of virtue comes in the little daily moments: The respect we show verbally and with silent body language in a short encounter. The way we interact with the people we see daily at work, home, or the gym. Are we respectful to the familiar people in our lives?  

Living the “March for Life” 

The challenge lies in living the “march for life” daily, with respect for each person we encounter. This flows from our own interior peace and self-respect, which equips us to uphold our dignity while respecting others.  

Supporting Life in Our Communities 

Let us pray for the safety of those traveling to various destinations. And let us also pray for the ongoing “march for life” in our own families and communities.  

P.S. This week, we have a FREE download related to cultivating the virtue of industriousness. 

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