It almost seems providential that the virtue for this week is patriotism as our prayers and attention are focused on our country. Patriotism is related to the cardinal virtue of justice and means paying due honor and respect to one’s country with a willingness to serve. This takes shape in many ways and we are certainly grateful to everyone who lives a life of service to our country.
In a few weeks, we will be pausing as a nation and celebrating Veteran’s Day to recognize and honor those who have served our country. Many schools and local communities will have a special ceremony to honor those who have lived a life of service. I have found it inspiring to see the posts on social media from schools using Disciple of Christ, Education in Virtue. These images show the children honoring the flag, singing patriotic songs, acknowledging veterans and family members who are in the military.
This lived experience of the virtue of patriotism manifests that paying honor and respect to one’s country and those who serve matters. Furthermore, it is equally important to pray for leaders, the military, and those in civil service. The witness of these people with a patriotic heart inspires others to also give of themselves and live the gospel message to “Go and do likewise” (Luke 10:37).
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