“Hang on, may I get that for you?” Throughout the day, I have been thinking about this question and the interaction which surrounded it. I recently drove over nine hours to visit my family and stopped at a rest area. Of course, I hastily approached the building and didn’t pay too much attention to people walking around. Suddenly, I heard, “Hang on, may I get that for you?” and this young man hurried to open the door. Let me assure you that this does not happen very often and he extended this courteous gesture without hesitation.
I have to be honest and say that his action probably did more for me than for him. Here is why. He was a bit disheveled and was decorated with numerous tattoos—but I didn’t see those at first. What I saw was a person seeking to show respect for me and it immediately triggered a positive response from me. In that split-second moment, an opportunity for seeing the dignity of the other person took place. As I continued my drive, I prayed for this young man and thanked God for giving me a chance to receive his courteous action.
Most of you receiving this email are teachers or parents and can encourage young people to extend a courteous gesture to another person. This young man had it within his heart to boldly say, “Hang on, may I get that for you?” Let us all seek those same opportunities and see the other person as a child of God.
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