“So by their fruits you will know them”

— Matthew 7:20

In the Gospels, it is very clear that the words we say and how we live truly matters. Jesus shows us that we can identify His followers by ‘their fruit’—how they conduct themselves in words and actions. Would you have ever suspected that the virtue of modesty is central to how we live as disciples? Yes, this virtue extends beyond how we dress. It means purity of heart in actions, especially in regards to dress and speech.

The modest person is self-possessed, confident, and grounded in their identity as a son or daughter of God. Granted this is difficult to achieve in a culture where acceptance is dictated by the latest fashion and trend. But the person who truly possesses the virtue of modesty is indeed free.

This is truly a beautiful virtue because it gives shape to how we speak and act. If we can begin cultivating modesty in young children, it will not be pigeon-holed solely to how we dress. Instead, it will be known as the virtue that helps direct our thoughts, speech, and actions thus enabling us to preserve and protect our dignity as a son or daughter of God.

from bible.com

“For from the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks”

— Matthew 12:34

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