“In love, God blessed us with every spiritual blessing in order to enable us to share in His own divine and eternal happiness.” – Echoing the Mystery: Unlocking the Deposit of Faith in Catechesis
If we were to ask a person on the street, “What is your heart’s deepest yearning?”, the answer would vary from winning the lottery to helping a loved one, finding a job, etc. This would be different for every person. But if we were to analyze each response, the theme would be the pursuit of happiness.
So, if God always blesses us with every spiritual blessing, why are we searching for more? What is preventing us from rejoicing every minute in His love for us? We can only answer these questions in the depths of our own hearts. However, the answer is not found in passively waiting for a text or a message from God (although that would be nice at times!). Instead, we can participate in His continued blessings upon us. Let me share a personal idea.
When I was young, I started a practice that I continue today. At the time, I was not a Catholic Christian, but I was inspired to recall the blessings of each day. Each night, before falling asleep, I would reflect upon the day and recall all the good things that happened. This mental list would stir an inner sense of gratitude and an awareness of the day’s blessings. Over the years, as my relationship with God deepened, this changed to words of praise and gratitude to Him, who showers me with blessings. This prayer of praise also extends to the challenges and difficulties, as they are a means of personal growth.
Looking back, I can see this as an example of God blessing me and working through my desire to know and experience happiness. You may already do a similar practice in your own life. If so, I encourage you to share it with a friend or family member, as it may also be a way for that person to know and experience God’s love and blessings.
Spot the Virtue
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught us about the virtue of courtesy when He preached the Golden Rule: “Do to others whatever you would have them to do you” (Matthew 7:12). This is what it means to be courteous. The courteous person treats other people with respect, recognizing the innate goodness and dignity of others.
Courtesy has sadly diminished across our nation (and world). Our hope lies in the truth that we can make a difference in our own sphere of influence—homes, classrooms, and workplace. Let us strive to be more courteous and spot it when another person lives it.
Name: Jason, I noticed you helped Mrs. Jolson carry boxes to her car.
Explain: It was a courteous thing for you to do, especially since you weren’t even asked.
Express: Thank you for witnessing the virtue of courtesy to your peers.
Spot this virtue in at least one person this week.
Conclude each day counting your blessings and offering praise to God.
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