
Mary’s perpetual virginity is one of the four dogmas about the Blessed Virgin Mary. The other three are her Immaculate Conception, that she is the Mother of God, and her Assumption. Each one shines a light on the beauty of her holiness and God’s original place for man and woman before the fall.  

Of course, perpetual virginity could not have been in His original plan for everyone because He did tell man and woman to “be fruitful and multiply” (Genesis 1:28). However, the truth that Mary remained a virgin before, during, and after the birth of her Son reveals to us her immaculate heart. She remained undivided in her love of God and loved everyone as His sons and daughters. After the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit and the conception of Jesus in her womb, no other experience of human love would have or could have fulfilled the desires of her heart. She shows us that it is possible to live for a divine purpose, and in doing so, we discover the fullness of God’s grace—life. 

Furthermore, we all need a mother; sometimes, her presence may be absent, limited, or not the expression of maternal guidance needed. On the cross, Jesus knew this, and by entrusting His mother to John’s care, He gave her to all of us (John 19:26-27). 

Believing in Mary’s virginal body and heart enables us to turn to her and entrust ourselves to her maternal care. She sees in us the image of her Son and knows He shed His blood for our salvation. In this “valley of tears,” we have a mother who is there to listen, console, and love us for who we are. 

When St. John Paul II’s mother died, he hastened to the Church and entrusted himself to Mary’s maternal love and protection. Totus Tuus (totally yours) was the motto of his pontificate. May 13 (the feast of Our Lady of Fatima) was the day of the assassination attempt on his life, and he credited the maternal protection of Mary for re-directing the bullet. Today, the bullet that struck him rests at the Fatima Shrine in Portugal.  

May you, like John, take the Blessed Virgin Mary into your home—into your heart—and let her guide you ever deeper into the heart of her beloved Son. 

Spot the Virtue 

The theological virtue of faith enables one to know God and all He has revealed. The more we know a person, the more we love them. Therefore, it is only logical that by knowing God through prayer, the sacraments, and studying His Divine Revelation in scripture and tradition, we can fully live the first commandment of God’s law of love. 

Mary knew God more intimately than any other human being. From her, we can learn how to deepen our belief in God. We have the means; we just need to take the time. 

Name: Keri, I have noticed how you have intentionally made time to learn more about your Catholic Faith. 

Explain: By your study, your faith has deepened and is shown by a sense of peace. 

Express: Thank you for being an example to me. 

Spot the virtue in one person this week. 


Take time to reflect on Mary’s perpetual virginity and how it shapes your relationship with her. 

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