Yesterday, September 8th, was the birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary (9 months after the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception). It seems fitting that our virtue this week is obedience, as she embodied the essence of this beautiful virtue. St. Irenaeus stated that Mary’s obedience untied the knot of Eve’s disobedience. Both women were full of grace, yet one listened to the voice of the father of lies – “when he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies (Jn 8:44)” – and disobeyed God.
In some ways, this virtue has lost its full meaning and is viewed as being submissive and losing freedom; in fact, it is the path to freedom and happiness.
Why? The word “obey” comes from the Latin obedire, which means “to hear or listen to” (CCC 144). Our happiness is found in living fully according to God’s loving plan of goodness for each one of us. If a true understanding of this virtue disappears, how will we and the next generation learn to hear or listen to God?
Teaching this virtue really requires intentional instruction which avoids the extreme of requiring the person to be submissive or compliant. True authoritative obedience is exercised in love and in a relationship which flows from a mutual trust and connection. This occurs when we strive to deepen our relationship with God through prayer, reading Scripture, and learning more about Him through study.
Prayer is conversion of the heart, and it is here that we learn to trust and have faith in God. It is the place and disposition necessary to hear Him and obey His loving plan.
We all need this virtue, especially the young. I urge you to teach it with a freshness rooted in relationship and connection. Help the little ones to learn the value of listening to those who have rightful authority – as well as to listen to their mind and heart and react if the person with “rightful authority” is demanding compliance which is not according to the truth of who they are. The Annunciation demonstrates the beauty of relationship and the respect of Mary which brough forth her fiat: “Let it be done to me according to your word. (Lk 1:38). This is the “yes” which foreshadowed Jesus’ “yes” in the Garden of Gethsemane (Mt 26:39).
Finally, the young will learn this virtue from watching you and how you embody it. If you’ve had a negative experience with obedience in the past, perhaps this may be a way for this virtue to be renewed in you. Ask Mary to intercede for you, as it is truly the path to interior freedom. Trust me, it isn’t always easy, but it is the path to interior freedom and trust in God.
As the new academic year begins, I encourage you to join our Facebook group to see how other schools are educating in virtue.
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