IDEA BANK > Advent Lectio Divina

Some call it mindfulness.  We call it prayer.  Lectio divina forces us to slow down and take time with God.  In the hustle and bustle of December, it is easy to miss Him.  Why not create space and time in your day for yourself and your child or student to contemplate God’s eternal Word become flesh in the Incarnation?

LEP Journal Products

Ideas for making lectio divina a favorite part of the day:

  • Choose a consistent time, so that you and the students look forward to it.
  • Be consistent with expectations of silent, independent work
  • Change the scene: go to the chapel, lower the lights, or put on Gregorian chant or sacred music.



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Older Students and Adults

Mother of Life Journal

Join with Mary, the Mother of Life, in preparing your heart to receive the Christ Child.

Follows the liturgical cycle of readings.

Jesse Tree Advent Journal

Guided meditation on the beautiful story of the Jesse Tree, the prophecy about a branch shooting up from the stump of Jesse. Includes Scripture, journaling and doodling prompts.

And the Word Became Flesh Journal

a series of meditations on the Incarnation, dedicating each week to one of the four reasons for the Incarnation.

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