The New York Times has been running a series on resilience in troubled times, and out of curiosity, I read a few of them. While the articles present interesting perspectives and viewpoints, I found myself sad—rather than inspired—because resilience without faith can lead to apathy. In sum, we either white knuckle it without faith or white knuckle it with faith.
As baptized Christians, we know the Good News, and our purpose lies in living united to the Person of Jesus Christ. The virtues, and in particular fortitude, enable us to endure difficulties and pain for the sake of what is right. We also gain hope by looking to the lives of countless holy men and women who have embodied Matthew 25 and shown God’s love to everyone.

Reading the article also stirred an inner conviction to spread the word about Disciple of Christ, Education in Virtue. There is a tremendous need to educate the youth and adults in fortitude (resilience), temperance, justice, and prudence. We need to restore the language and understanding of virtue and show them that life is worth living. The Good News sets us free and gives us purpose when we have to white knuckle it.
Let me conclude with a quote from Pope Benedict XVI:
“ Let us not be afraid to aim high, for God’s heights; let us not be afraid that God will ask too much of us, but let ourselves be guided by his Word in every daily action, even when we feel poor, inadequate, sinners. It will be he who transforms us in accordance with his love”.
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