Walking in the Footsteps of the Lord
We are pleased to release our newest Lectio Divina journal, Walking in the Footsteps of the Lord. Embark on a journey of following Christ to a deeper commitment as His disciple.
Stand Faithfully
Our newest Lectio Divina journal is designed for daily use during Lent. Starting on Ash Wednesday, Stand Faithfully will enable you to journey through this holy season by reading and meditating on Scripture, the Stations of the Cross, the Stabat Mater and the Seven Last Words of Christ. It is adorned with sacred art and sections to write a personal response. Draw near to Christ and Stand Faithfully with Him.
The Paschal Mystery of Christ.
The season of Lent is the time to renew your desire to be a disciple of Christ. The three forms of penance—fasting, praying, almsgiving—are a means for you to hear, look upon, and touch Him. Ask yourself, “Have I heard Him?”, “Have I seen Him”, “Have I touched Him?” Jesus Christ is alive! He is inviting you to be an eye witness. Don’t be afraid to spend the next forty days reading and meditating on the Word of God, for “indeed, the word of God is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword” (Hebrews 4:12).
Disciple of Mercy Journal
This journal has a 12-week cycle which focuses on one Scripture passage each week. The reader will respond to guided questions, religious artwork, selected readings, and the challenge to “see” others doing works of mercy as well as performing them.
Overview of sections:
• Works of Mercy (Spiritual and Corporal)
• Lectio Divina
• Examination of Conscience based on the virtues
Which journal will you be using this Lent?
Head on over to facebook and let us know!
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