When we make a decision, the virtue of prudence orders and perfects each part of the action: good counsel, good judgment, and command. The Gift of Counsel aids us in applying spiritual truths to our daily lives. In sum, our decision-making process is guided by a supernatural perspective and enables us to make decisions doing God’s will. 

This gift is evident in those who actively cultivate the virtues related to prudence, namely, a docile spirit that readily examines the present circumstance with an eye toward how decisions impact the future. But unfortunately, while many aspire to be prudent and readily offer their opinion, few possess the interior disposition of patience and moderation to complete the process of making a decision. 

May we pray for an increase of the gift of counsel, to be docile and open to the Spirit’s counsel, judgment, and “nudge” as we decide what is in accordance with the Father’s will. 

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