He came to make us partakers of the divine nature.
Each year, how many superhero movies are box office hits?
There is something within each of us that is attracted to “things” that are above us or not normal. This is undoubtedly an indication that God created us for more. Funny how we get bored and seek an emotional adventure.
Just imagine if that same energy was channeled into understanding and living this one truth about the Incarnation: He came to make us partakers of the divine nature. You and I have the capability to live each day, participating in God’s divine nature. At Baptism, we each received God’s sanctifying grace by which He shares His very life with us. In addition to becoming new creatures and adopted children of God, we were infused with the theological virtues of faith, hope, and love, along with the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit and the ability to live the human or cardinal virtues fully.
We are now temples of the Holy Spirit and sealed with an indelible sign or character (CCC, 1280), which consecrates us for Christian worship. Our bodies were consecrated as a place holier than any pilgrimage site in the world (1 Cor. 6:19-20). May we all strive to live according to the dignity to which God, by His grace, has elevated each of us. We have real superpowers!
Spot the Virtue
A hallway at Spiritus Sanctus Academy has a mural painted by Joel Schoon. Every section is rich in meaning, particularly this snapshot:
Notice the contrast between the widow dropping her coin and the man blowing his trumpet. This image depicts Magnificence. The widow is giving totally of herself without hesitation and hoping not to be noticed. These are her virtues. What is amazing about this is that once we unclench our hands and hand over the little we have, God “multiplies it all, and there is always more” (John 6:5-13).
Name: Rachel, I noticed you helped Kelly clean her locker after you finished cleaning yours.
Explain: You practiced the virtue of magnificence by going out of your way to help her when you could have gone to recess.
Express: Thank you for giving this time to her, as she seemed happier knowing her locker was in order.
Spot this virtue in at least one person this week.
Almighty and ever-living God, who sent your Son into the world to drive out from us the power of Satan, the spirit of evil, and bring the human race, rescued from darkness, into the marvelous Kingdom of your light: we humbly beseech you to free this child from Original Sin, to make him (her) the temple of your glory, and to grant that your Holy Spirit may dwell in him (her). Through Christ our Lord. (Prayer of Exorcism within the Rite of Baptism; see Echoing the Mystery, p. 634)
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