He came to be our model for this life, a model of holiness.
What is the purpose of a model? Why do advertisers select people that may attract the eye of the consumer? It is based on scientific studies, to attract us and our money.
On the rare occasion that we watch television in the convent (mostly sports), I’ve often wondered what would happen if we suddenly viewed a glimpse of Heaven and it said, “FREE – just follow my beloved Son and listen to Him” (Luke 9:35). All of us would be attracted to it and ask, “How can I live there forever?” While their vision wasn’t of Heaven, we know when the children of Fatima, Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta, had a glimpse of Hell, it frightened them—so much so that they embraced a life of penance and prayer so that sinners would not go to that place. (Interesting that Mary showed Hell to the children!)
Jesus became man to be THE model, to show us how to love and live so we might become holy, godly, saintly, and worthy to dwell forever in the household of God. He shows how to live a fully integrated and wholesome life so that we will be happy now and forever. This is why we always need to read the Gospels slowly and carefully and to keep forever upon our hearts what Jesus told us: “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). He is the beloved Son; may we all listen to Him.
Spot the Virtue
“Patience is a virtue.” How many of us have had this said to us when we were annoyed? Probably not the best time to be reminded, as it can generally set off our emotions. But if we really reflect upon our day, it will be obvious that this is a virtue we have limitless opportunities to cultivate—from waiting for the bath water to get hot, to listening to a long story being told to us.
Name: Shannon, I noticed you waited in line for a long time to get a drink.
Explain: You practiced the virtue of patience by not complaining and standing in the line quietly.
Express: There were many other students who were not that patient. You were a great witness to them.
Spot this virtue in at least one person this week.
Spend some time reading the entire Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7). What passage speaks to your heart? How can you live this in your life this week?
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