The virtues and gifts of the Holy Spirit were given to us by God to help us live fully and freely in His grace–His life. All of them enable us to develop those inner dispositions or habits of goodness and be the person we were created to be. Before it was “popular,” God gave us what is needed to “do me.” The virtue and Gift of Fortitude enable us to move beyond the worldly understanding of “doing me” to the supernatural “doing me,” in which our eyes are set on eternal life.
Instead of discovering a sense of confidence in ourselves or white-knuckling it through life alone, fortitude strengthens us to be strong in the pursuit of goodness. In addition, it enables us to resist the temptation to give up when life gets hard and recognize that our inner strength and confidence rests in Him, Who has overcome sin and death. We don’t have to fight life on our own. Christ, our life, is with us and strengthens us in our journey.
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