Jesus calls each of us to be saved by sharing in His Paschal Mystery. — Echoing the Mystery 19:5


How do we share in the Paschal Mystery of Christ? First, a simple reminder that by “Paschal Mystery” we mean Jesus’ Passion, death, and Resurrection. Our sharing began at Baptism when we were immersed or plunged into Christ’s death and rose with Him as a new creation (CCC 1214). This pattern of dying and rising again marks our life.

We hear in Jesus’ teaching about the grain of wheat that the grain must first die to bear fruit. In our lives, this process is a free act of giving and receiving, not just begrudging submission. In these little acts of dying to self, we discover freedom and the beauty of living in relationship.

Of course, there is a bigger theological way by which we share in the Paschal Mystery: by participating in the liturgy (giving worship to God) and by receiving the graces that God freely bestows on us. The more we embrace the “little acts” (e.g., St. Therese being patient when a Sister splashed water on her face), the more we are disposed and ready to give and receive in the “bigger” opportunities. The soil of our hearts is always in need of tilling. Indeed, it is the “little way.”

Spot the Virtue

Magnificence enables us to do great things for God, giving generously of our riches, talents, and time. We know from the words of Christ that true happiness is found in recognizing God as the source of our gifts and by storing up treasures in heaven. The magnificent person returns to God the gifts He has given by pouring them out in service.

Name: Theresa, it is delightful to hear you play piano at Mass on Monday mornings.

Explain: You are practicing the virtue of magnificence by using the talent that God has given you.

Express: Thank you for leading us in worship with your music. 

Spot the virtue in one person this week.


During this week, try to be more aware of opportunities to die to self, and offer these up in love.


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