By dying, Christ destroyed our death. —Echoing the Mystery 19:2
Blessed Easter! I hope you’re experiencing the joy of the Resurrection this morning as we celebrate the victory over sin and death that Christ won for us.
Last week, I posed a question: What was your response to joining the crowd in shouting, “Crucify Him?” I often wonder how Mary and the other apostles present felt during this moment when it seemed like evil had won. We, too, can experience this same sense of discouragement when all we hold as sacred and true seems drowned out by the “crowd.”
Yet there is one word that brings us hope: Resurrection. The power and glory of this historic event conquer our fears, worries, and anxieties and fills us with hope—that trust that God is providing all for our salvation.
I encourage you to pay close attention to the Resurrection appearances of Jesus and listen for which one speaks to your heart.
Spot the Virtue
Life can be hard. What do you do when you are experiencing difficulty? Do you stand firm or cave into fear or doubt? The cardinal virtue of fortitude enables us to stay strong during challenging situations. It enables us to bear difficulties, even pain, to achieve a greater good. This virtue aids us in everyday situations to live prudently, justly, and temperately. It perfects our emotions, particularly by freeing us from the grip of fear and anger. It makes us strong in the pursuit of goodness, helping us to resist temptations and overcome obstacles. When inspired by charity, fortitude empowers us to hope in Christ’s strength to make us confident and joyful in the face of trials, persecution, and even death.
Name: Jake, the substitute teacher told me that the class was being disrespectful, and you encouraged your classmates to stop their actions.
Explain: Your actions are an example of the cardinal virtue of fortitude.
Express: Thank you for being courageous and encouraging your classmates to do the right thing.
Spot the virtue in one person this week.
Dear Jesus,
Alone I am weak, but with you I can do all things. Give me the grace to be strong against temptations and bold in proclaiming You and Your Church on earth.
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