A Call to Meekness
It’s easy to love those who love us. It’s quite another thing to love those who hurt us. Forgiveness goes against our natural inclination to seek revenge or retaliation. After all, “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”—but continue reading in this passage from Matthew and you will see Jesus calls us to a much higher standard.
“You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also.” Matthew 5:38-39
At first glance, it may seem as though we are to just accept the wrongs that are committed against us. But Jesus is not instructing us to be a doormat; rather, He’s calling us to be meek. Meekness enables us to maintain a calm spirit when others are angry or upset. Being able to control our anger, which is a natural and normal emotion, is a huge strength. But we can’t forgive our aggressors without supernatural help. God’s grace fuels our ability to forgive.
The Challenge for Students
If forgiveness is hard for us, how much harder is it for our students? They have a strong sense of justice and call out every instance of unfairness, whether real or perceived.
In order to teach them how to bear wrongs patiently, we first have to model this in our own life and work to build a culture of love and mercy from day one.
Examining Our Own Actions
Do they observe us getting annoyed with a co-worker?
Throwing a side-eye after a parent interaction?
Do we get short with them, especially when they are not following directions?
We need to check ourselves first.
Adaptable Script for Students
The best way to establish a culture of love and mercy in your classroom is to talk about expectations, procedures and strategies before you need to use them. The language of this conversation can be adapted for the age of your students:
- Give your students specific steps and ideas along with the why:
- There will be times when each of us gets grumpy, annoyed, or angry. Sometimes it might look like moving away and giving them space to calm down. Sometimes it sounds like silence or responding with kind words. It’s always a good idea to pray for them. When someone gets grumpy and angry, there’s usually a reason, but we might not always know what that is. They are probably having a really hard time with something.
- You all have been given so many wonderful qualities and as a class, we are going to celebrate those. Writing a positive note of encouragement telling them the good you see in them is another great idea we can always use.
- If someone is bothering you, use your words to explain to them why you don’t like what they’re doing or how they are hurting your feelings. Those feelings are all normal, and when one of us feels this way, it’s our job to love them anyway, just like Jesus always loves us even when we make mistakes or get angry.
- Explain your role:
- It’s usually not easy for us to do this, but I’m here to help if you don’t know what to say.
- If anyone ever hurts your body or your heart, please come and tell me or another adult so that we can keep everyone safe and help each other become saints.
- We are a family, and family takes care of each other.
Ideas for All Grades
For grades PreK-2nd, a great way to do this is to teach using literature. For this purpose, you can use story books, even in 2nd grade.
For 3rd-5th graders, a fun way to teach this is to have several classroom skits. Provide various situations as prompts. Split the students into small groups and allow them to brainstorm ways they can demonstrate both the proper and improper ways to respond to the injustice presented.
For 6th – 12th graders, instruction in lectio divina and spending time meditating on particular Scripture verses can be highly effective. Some of my favorites are:
A study of the Our Father or a rosary meditation on the Sorrowful Mysteries would also be effective.
In closing, we want our students to understand that hardships and misunderstandings are a normal part of life. We are all imperfect.
Patience enables us to endure these difficulties with a clear mind and to address them with both justice and mercy. The virtue of meekness enables us to maintain a calm spirit when others are angry or upset.
Pray for your students by name, and encourage your students to pray for each other.
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