“Dear Father, thank You for gazing upon me with love at every moment. I love being your treasured, beloved child. Please help me to see myself as You see me and to find my identity and sense of worth in Your love, rather than in the eyes of others. Amen” Virtue Field Guide, p.206

Rooted in God’s Love

“Dear Father, thank you for gazing upon me with love at every moment.” The first line of this beautiful and simple prayer reveals to us the way to live modesty. By praising God for gazing upon us at each moment, we remove the obstacles to living this virtue. God looks upon us with love, despite our sins and weaknesses. We don’t have to perform or do anything to win His love or attention. 

Embracing Our Worth

Admittedly, in our human condition, it can be challenging when we don’t seem to be recognized by those in our lives. So, we feel the need to boast, or assert ourselves, or capture the attention of others. We all appreciate being recognized, so having those feelings is natural and normal. However, it is good in those moments to re-ground ourselves and remember our dignity and worth, to rest in our loving Father. Throughout the week, try to find little ways to recall His love for you and remember you are wonderfully made. 

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