“God calls each man to perfect and everlasting communion with Himself. He gives the time of earthly life to man as an opportunity to either cooperate with Him in achieving this goal or to reject His offer of salvation.”
– Echoing the Mystery, Unlocking the Deposit of Faith in Catechesis
“Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.” – Matthew 5:48
I don’t know about you, but when I hear these words of Jesus, it is a bit daunting. First, it causes me to pause and wonder, “How is this possible?” Then, and just as quickly, I hear, “For nothing will be impossible with God” (Luke 1:37) or “What is impossible with man is possible with God” (Luke 18:27). Here lies the response to this seemingly impossible call from Jesus: all things are possible with God.
Earlier, we reflected upon the beauty of creation, which manifests the magnificence of God. We are created—designed—to live in communion and friendship with Him. Once we decide to walk with Him, He sustains us with His love, grace, and mercy. By giving us free will, He does not force or manipulate us to live in this friendship. Instead, we must decide to say “yes” to participate in His love. Scripture shows us countless examples of people who freely responded to His invitation, and how God sustained each one of them with His presence or grace (just as He shares Himself with us).
Hence, the call to perfection seems less daunting when we respond to God and strive to become the person He created us to be. This is the beauty of the saints, who steadfastly set their hearts on an everlasting communion with God. Indeed, the Kingdom of heaven is at hand when we fully accept that all things are possible with God.
Spot the Virtue
This week, we will spotlight the virtue of Patriotism, which means paying due honor and respect to one’s country with a willingness to serve.
In recent years, I’ve learned of an increase in students who attended our schools entering the military. I honestly don’t know what motivated them to choose this path, but the news always inspires joy in my heart. Indeed, we are all equally moved when we hear our national anthem sung with dignity or see a large American flag waving in the distance. These are moments of patriotism, and we should intentionally strive to model this virtue to the young. This month, we honor veterans, and just as we show our students the saints, let us also show them these men and women who have devoted their lives to serving us.
Name: James, I saw your prayer intention on the board, to pray for the men and women serving in the military.
Explain: It shows great patriotism for our country and respect for those who serve.
Express: Thank you for thinking of those defending our country and for being a witness to others of what it means to be patriotic.
During the week, be aware of those practicing this virtue. Spot this virtue in at least one person this week.
Mary showed us how to live each day in communion with God, by pondering all things in her heart (Luke 2:19). Throughout the coming week, commit to memory either Luke 1:37 or Luke 18:27 and ponder it in your heart. See what happens.
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