“The Father intends for us to live in Christ. Prayer roots us in this transforming communion, so that our actions and words radiate forth from this hidden center: Christ in us, the hope of glory.” — Echoing the Mystery, Unlocking the Deposit of Faith in Catechesis
Spoiler alert: The closing scene of Season 3, Episode 8 of The Chosen depicts Christ as our hidden center, the hope of glory. Like Peter, we are all faced with doubts, struggles, and putting ourselves at the center. As soon as Peter looks away, the waters engulf him. Just as an anchor (the symbol of hope) plunges into the water to secure the boat, Jesus’ hand extends to grasp Peter as he has hit rock bottom. (Here is the moment of transforming communion.)
This scene illustrates what transforming communion “looks like.” Christ is his anchor, the means to safety and security. In our lives, Christ is the hope of glory, the One who extends His hand so we may grasp it and trust in His saving help. We are created to live in communion and not alone to be tossed by the waves of life. Prayer is our means to be anchored in Christ and our hidden source of peace and calm.
Spot the Virtue
Meekness is a serenity of spirit when your emotions are stirring within. The inner calmness of the meek person doesn’t happen overnight. It is the fruit of a long, internal struggle to moderate anger, rash judgment, and quickness of temper. Meekness is the experience of a well-disciplined soul.
To cultivate the virtue of meekness requires discipline, hard work, and suffering. Being patient, enduring injury, and persevering through unjust situations are challenging. For example, how would a meek person respond when someone falsely accuses them or speaks with an unpleasant tone of voice?
The meek are blessed because they have already endured illness and injury or witnessed others suffering and can express empathy, acceptance, and understanding. They are self-possessed and fully alive with the fruits of the spirit—peace, joy, and self-control.
Name: James, I noticed you walked away when your friends began to argue.
Explain: By practicing meekness, you knew it was better to walk away and not engage in that disagreement.
Express: Thank you for showing your classmates that sometimes it is better to walk away and not add fuel to the fire.
Spot the virtue in one person this week.
Pray an Act of Hope:
O Lord God,
I hope by Your grace for the pardon of all my sins and after life here to gain eternal happiness, because You have promised it, Who are infinitely powerful, faithful, kind, and merciful. In this hope I intend to live and die. Amen.
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