Treating others with the respect due to them as sons and daughters of God; recognizing that all are made in God’s image and likeness.
Dear Jesus, please help me act with courtesy toward every person I encounter today. In all the little acts of holding doors, being polite, and offering help, help me to love them and to love You in them.

St. Rose of Lima
Rose was still very young when Jesus asked her to consecrate herself to Him. Her family did not understand why she began acting differently. She spent long hours in prayer and practiced many sacrifices. People from all over the city would come talk to her and ask her to pray for them. She took care of the garden, growing vegetables, herbs, and flowers for her family and the poor.

- I think about others and their needs, rather than just focusing on my own.
- I clean up after myself.
- I practice good manners.
- I am attentive when talking to others.
- I speak considerately of others.
Revelation 3:20
Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any one hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.
The Gift of Piety perfects the virtue of Justice and its related virtues.

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Uplifted—What Makes You Happy? is a fresh look at our
ultimate purpose in life: union with God in whose image
and likeness we are made (Gen 1:27).