To know God and all He has revealed.
Dear Jesus, please increase my faith. I know that You are worthy of my trust. When I struggle to understand and believe, strengthen my faith in You and in Your Church. I trust You, Jesus, and so I say with the man in the Gospels, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief.”
The Blessed Virgin Mary
From the beginning, God invited people to walk with Him in faith. He called Abraham, who left his people and went to the land God showed him: Israel. In history, God gradually revealed more of His love and plan to His chosen people, inviting them to enter into it. In the fullness of time, He revealed Himself to a young woman in a small town in Israel. He invited her to begin a new phase in His saving work by becoming the Mother of Jesus, the Incarnate Son. Mary said “yes,” believing that “all things are possible for God” and trusting His love and plan. She maintained this “yes” to God’s love and plan, even when she saw her Son crucified. She shows us what it is not only to believe with our minds what God has revealed, but to give a “yes” with our whole lives to His plan of love.
- I ask God for deeper faith through prayer.
- I seek to grow stronger in faith and friendship with God by going to Mass, going to Confession, and spending daily time in prayer.
- When I experience doubts about God or His teachings, I respond with an attitude of faith seeking understanding, rather than an attitude of antagonism: “Lord, I desire to believe. Help me see how this fits together.”
Matthew 17:20
Amen, I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.
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ultimate purpose in life: union with God in whose image
and likeness we are made (Gen 1:27).