Willingness to learn from other people; receptivity and flexibility.
Dear Jesus, You are my teacher in every situation. Before acting on important matters, please give me the humility to seek Your wisdom and the wisdom of others, in order to make the best decision.

St. Dominic Savio
One day young Dominic asked his teacher, St. John Bosco, to teach him how to be a saint. He eagerly listened to everything Don Bosco told him and put it into practice. He wanted Jesus and Mary to be his best friends and would rather die than commit a mortal sin. Several of the boys at the school admired Dominic and thought of him as a friend. He grew quickly in virtue because he was docile and obedient to all that Don Bosco taught him.

- I ask for help when needed and seek opportunities to grow in knowledge.
- I genuinely consider others’ feedback and opinions.
- I take direction.
Sirach 6:32-33
If you are willing, my son, you will be taught, and if you apply yourself you will become clever. If you love to listen you will gain knowledge, and if you incline your ear you will become wise.
The Gift of Counsel perfects the virtue of Prudence and its related virtues.

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ultimate purpose in life: union with God in whose image
and likeness we are made (Gen 1:27).