Serenity of spirit while focusing on the needs of others.
Dear Jesus, please be King of my heart, especially when I am frustrated or angry. In those moments give me the grace to use all my emotions for the good.

St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus
Thérèse was a young French girl who entered a Carmelite convent when she was fifteen years old. She practiced the virtue of meekness by loving all the other nuns, even those who annoyed her. She strove to love not through grand or heroic gestures but by little actions for God and her sisters. The other nuns, upon Thérèse’s death, hardly knew of her spiritual greatness. Today St. Thérèse is a co-patroness of the missions and a Doctor of the Church. Her autobiography and other writings have brought many to a deeper walk with God.

- I control my temper when something upsets me.
- I take time to respond when I am angry, if need be.
- I try to look at things from others’ perspectives.
- I let other people take charge, not feeling like I always need to be in control or call the shots.
Ephesians 4:26
Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger.
The Gift of Fear of the Lord perfects the virtue of Temperance and its related virtues.

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