Sound Judgment
Clear reasoning leading to right action; common sense.
Jesus, help me to think clearly in every situation, and then to act on what I know to be good and true. Show me Your will and give me the strength to carry it out immediately and joyfully. I will do whatever You ask.

St. Thomas More
Thomas More was the Lord Chancellor of England, second-incommand to the king. He had a sharp mind and great insight into practical matters. When the king tried to force Thomas into speaking against his conscience, Thomas used the laws
of England to navigate the situation so he could avoid doing anything morally or legally wrong. He was eventually convicted on false evidence and put to death. He died, in his own words, “the king’s good servant, but God’s first.”

PRACTICING Sound Judgment:
- I exercise common sense.
- Once I make a decision, I follow through with it.
- I act with caution, considering my safety and the safety of people I’m with.
Sirach 22:16-18
A wooden beam firmly bonded into a building is not loosened by an earthquake; / So the mind firmly resolved after careful deliberation will not be afraid at any time. / The mind solidly backed by intelligent thought is like a stucco decoration on a smooth wall. / Small stones lying on an open height will not remain when the wind blows; / So a timid mind based on foolish plans cannot stand up to fear of any kind.
The Gift of Counsel perfects the virtue of Prudence and its related virtues.

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